

The search found 146 results in 0.035 seconds.

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  1. Moselle_film.png

    The « wild-made » Moselle river

    (EN) - Université de Lorraine 2013

    This one-hour film on the Moselle river and based on interviews with researchers emphases three key points: links between river and biodiversity...

    Theme : Tools

  2. atlantic_salmon.png

    Atlantic Salmon Summit

    (EN) 2015

    The Atlantic Salmon Summit, organized in France in October 2015, gathered scientists, institutions, managers, industry, NGOs or leading experts...

    Theme : Examples

  3. Jassans.png

    Reopening side channels along the Saône in Jassans-Riottier

    (EN) - Onema 2013

    This fact sheet details the works done to reconnect the main channel with the side channels and to recreate diverse habitats in the Saône river<...

    Theme : Lateral continuity

  4. Inv_species.jpg

    Invasive species: how should this be managed in aquatic environments?

    (EN) - Onema 2011

    This document is a synthesis of the seminar organized by Onema and Cemagref in Paris on 12-14 October 2010 on the management of invasive species...

    Theme : Invasive species

  5. Capture8VIDEO8OFB.JPG

    Territories better prepared for floods: it's possible

    (EN) - OFB 2022

    This 3-minute animated film for elected officials and citizens presents possible nature-based actions to reduce the risk of flooding.

    Theme : Tools

  6. lamprey.png

    Study of the crossing capacity of the brook lamprey with a view to defining the criteria for dimensioning crossing devices

    (EN) - LIFE programme "Headwater streams and faunistic heritage associated" 2009

    This document presents the results of a specific study on the dimensioning of crossing structures suitable for the brook lamprey, conducted as...

    Theme : Fish passage facilities

  7. NWRM_site.png

    French NWRM case studies from agriculture and forestry sectors

    (EN) - OIEau & OFB 2020

    10 cases studies of Natural Water Retention Measures implementation in France, with a detailed description of the NWRM, lessons learnt, impacts,...

    Theme : Improvement of agricultural and forestry practices

  8. MNRE_2020.png

    NWRM - Measures offering multiple benefits to meet water-related challenges

    (EN) - OFB 2020

    Summary of the technical seminar held on 13 February 2020, which highlighted the opportunities to implement NWRMs in the agricultural, urban and...

    Theme : Event national center
